In April 2021, the European Union adopted the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD).

This new directive states that, starting in 2024, companies with 250 or more employees will be obliged to report on the impact of their activities on people and the environment. The CSR Risk Check is a useful tool in this respect. Do you want to know more about the CSRD? Click here (page in Dutch).

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Webinar recording: Using the CSR Risk Check in the Context of European HREDD Regulation

We recently hosted a webinar to take a deep dive into the CSR Risk Check. During this webinar, we discussed the new features of the CSR Risk Check ánd how the tool can help you prepare for legislation such as CSDDD. Please find the recording below in case you missed it!

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The CSR Risk Check has been expanded with a new page! This page is about how CSR risks are not only about risks, but also about opportunities.

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This article gives an overview of current relevant events of European countries regarding human rights due diligence legislation, which include only adopted laws or concrete steps toward a form of legislation.

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